Kammerspiele: Angela Aux - Introduction to the future self

Composition for stringquartet and electronics, string-arrangements of Songs by Angela Aux
“Introduction to the Future Self stages a time after human existence. Inspired by thinkers such as Rosi Braidotti, James Lovelock, Donna Haraway and Friedrich Nietzsche, the project takes us into a world of transhumanism and the post-apocalypse. Neither dystopia nor utopia – much more is created here in a transit space of fluid and transient worlds. It is a science-fiction story in search of the philosophical answers of our time. The form is as open and fluid as the narrative. Extravagant costume design, virtual 3D worlds, video, literature and music are superimposed to form an image that can be experienced in many ways, but never seems to be fully comprehensible.
How can a project with so many artistic disciplines become a visually satisfying entirety? How can literature and live music harmonize with a virtual world? What does a future look like in which we ourselves no longer exist? The Moby Digg design team addressed these questions with a collective and open-ended approach. All visual elements of the performance were created in close collaboration and consultation with the Angelau Aux Collective and the video artist Susanne Steinmassl.
Step by step, a vast, open world was formed from numerous sketches and motifs. Barren deserts, remote forests, mysterious ruins and sacred cathedrals. Again and again we encounter relics and set pieces of our time. Colors and shades are applied in a spectrum ranging from orange to purple – as if the future were a place where the sunset is never ending. The project does not end with this performance either. Rather, it seems to be spreading almost uncontrollably into a wide variety of artistic disciplines. The poster, book and album cover of this ever-expanding cosmos are inspired by 1970s science fiction. And are brought into the present day through contemporary typesetting and collage techniques.
Presented at the Kammerspiele in Munich, the project ‘Introduction to the Future Self’ combines live music with text and hypnotic visuals to create a transcendent experience. The soon to be published novel ‘After the End of Time’ continues this vision of the future in literary terms. Angela Aux’s new single ‘Pearly Gates’ is a musical foretaste of the forthcoming album ‘Introduction to the future self’. Uncategorizable between folk music and retro-futuristic electronica, Angela Aux takes us deeper and deeper into this alien world – with lyrics about space travel, robot love and friendly encounters with extraterrestrials."
Picture and Text from mobydigg.de
Idee, Komposition & Erzählung: Angela Aux
Regie & Video-Art Direction: Su Steinmassl
Virtual World: Max Heitsch, Susanne Jannsen, Marco Kawan, Benjamin Taschner
3D Artist: Phyllis Lembert
Kostüm: Jessica Dettinger, Lorand Lajos, Franz Schmidt
Fotografie: Milena Wojhan
Musik: Angela Aux, Maria Moling, Henny Gröblehner, Johannes Oberauer, Beni Brachtel
Produktion: Daniela Schroll, Bojena Todorow
Dramaturgische Beratung: Rania Mleihi, Sebastian Reier